
All regular width quilting fabrics are approx. 112cm (44") in width, and 100% cotton. 

All wide backing fabrics are 275cm (108") in width, and 100% cotton. 

Our minimum cut for all fabrics is 25cm.

Jennifer Pudney Postcard - All Things Kiwi



All Things Kiwi


This design contains a few of what I see as the typical New Zealand icons. A sheep; a black shearers singlet; Hokey Pokey icecream; a chocolate fish; a pair of jandals for summer wear; the pukeko or swamp hen; an orange roughy; the cabbage or Ti tree (which looks like something out of a Dr Suess book); the Kiwifruit; and of course, the Kiwi. The stars represent the Southern Cross constellation. And the clouds represent the Maori name for New Zealand (Aotaearoa – Land of the Long White Cloud)