
All regular width quilting fabrics are approx. 112cm (44") in width, and 100% cotton. 

All wide backing fabrics are 275cm (108") in width, and 100% cotton. 

Our minimum cut for all fabrics is 25cm.

Strand Skeins 191-195 Manuka Grey


New Zealand made 50% mohair 50% wool crewel yarn

The exclusive colour range for Stand Natural Fibres has been developed
to reflect New Zealand's unique light and landscape colours.
There are currently 177 colours available including a new black and pohutakawa red.

The thread is suited to any crewel embroidery, though it is marginally thicker than Appletons.
It is ideal for petit point which is a traditional type of needlework stitched on canvas.
A single thread of the yarn covers 18# canvas whether the design is printed on it or not.
It will cover 14# canvas (if the design is printed on it).
For 12# or 10# or 7# use 2 or more threads in the needle.
It is also very suitable for using with a variety of threads in modern interpretive designs
It knits as a 3 ply/ Super Fine Yarn weight